Welcomed by Design cover art: Sound waves with a door opening

Welcomed by design

"Designers play an important role in how we experience the world and who gets to participate. At times design can feel daunting. Inclusion covers many different lenses, from disability and accessibility to working against bias nalgorithms. There's much to learn. Enter Welcomed by Design: the show where we talk about the many ways to move toward a more inclusive future. Join us to hear from people working as advocates, practitioners, and researchers and learn how we can make every mind and body feel more welcomed by design."


Resource Library

During my time as a production team member on the podcast, I maintained and created documents housed in the Resource Library - a drive where audiences can access episode transcripts, find term definitions, fact-checked information from each episode, and readings recommended by guests or team members.

Visit the Resource Library

Ep. 04 - Drs. Victoria Grieve & Bridget Keown: “Demand time and be specific.”

On this episode of Welcomed by Design, host Lynn Priestley sits down with two Pitt professors, Dr. Victoria Grieve and Dr. Bridget Keown, to talk about gender inclusion. They discuss some gender-based “pain points” for designers to consider, how we live in the internet, and why diversity in the workplace can’t just end with hiring practices.

Ep. 05 - Dr. Kelsey Cameron: “Empathy is suspect”

On this episode of Welcomed by Design, we sit down with Dr. Kelsey Cameron to discuss police body cams, the subjective nature of interpreting body cam footage, and why body cams fail as “perfect witnesses.” And we also talk about the design that goes into body cam operation: policy design affecting their use, how the footage gets handled once recorded, and the physical design of the cameras. This is a conversation that highlights critical nuances often left out of mainstream conversations around body cams, as well as why empathy might not always be what designers need to be seeking to design better.

Ep. 06 - Unwell: Queer Horror Week Special

On this episode of Welcomed by Design, we listen back to Fall 2022’s Queer Horror Week, coordinated by Pitt’s Horror Studies Working Group. Members of our team got to panel with many cool creatives, including the wonderful, BBC award-winning team of Unwell, to talk about accessibility and identity in the world of audio dramas!

In this part 1, we discuss accessible and inclusive production practices, on the “real life” side of things. We talked about everything from fun/snarky transcript comments to balancing the nature of scaring in horror with care in content warnings.

In this part 2, we discuss inclusive world-building, from challenging what gets capital-O Othered and what is normalized, to some of the team’s favorite aspects of the world they’ve created.

Ep. 07 - Drs. Bess Williamson, Elizabeth Guffey, & Meryl Alper: “Access as an Ideal”

On this episode of Welcomed by Design, we sit down with Dr. Bess Williamson, Dr. Elizabeth Guffey, and Dr. Meryl Alper to discuss the past, present, and future of disability design. Our talking points include the “wiggly” nature of access, the way mindsets around accessible design (particularly around Universal Design methodology) have differed/evolved across time and place, and the nuances around disability and visibility. (Our guests’ guiding advice around responsible speculative design and thoughts on the potentials of crip technoscience/design were particular Welcomed by Design team-favorite moments.)

Ep. 08 - Dr. Jay Dolmage: “Designing through disability as an identity and culture”

On this episode of Welcomed by Design, we sit down with Dr. Jay Dolmage to discuss his book, Academic Ableism, and how he navigates higher education as a disability studies scholar. We touch on various topics such as the deep-rooted history of eugenics in higher education, the mismatched architectural and pedagogical designs present on college campuses, and the importance of building disability culture on these campuses.

Sound Design

Ep. 08 - Dr. Jay Dolmage: “Designing through disability as an identity and culture”

I also did the sound design, edited, and uploaded episode 8 with Dr. Jay Dolamge.
Ep. 8 Transcript


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